الخميس، 26 نوفمبر 2009


Afternoon in the balcony, when I was drinking tea, I saw him. The old and respectable man, he is the father of my next door Tamer. For the first time, he parked his car far than from his son's home. As if he tried to conceal it. But, why! There is a young girl with him. Wonder, who is she? She wore a veil and appeared as a good girl. Is she his daughter? I asked to my self. They talked for a moment. Then, he left her near his car. Immediately, he walked on and on until he reached the doorway of his son's home. After while, she went to him, but in a separate way she turned around the building and then, she got into the doorway. She went on up the stairs. She pushed the door of the flat. He was waiting her. While she got into the flat, he pulled her to the bedroom. And there the girl started to took off her clothes but he said whispering, do not do that do not do that let me discover everything whole by self. Loudly, the girl laughed. He put his hand on her mouth and said, be careful
Something was stranger! Furthermore, Tamer and his wife were not at their home. They went to work early morning. One hour has gone. Even they did not open a window. I wondered, what are they doing, oh, no, I thought, does the old man practice sex with a young girl? Actually, that was just what they were doing indeed. I muttered to my self, but at this age and where in his daughter in law's bed? Has he lost his mind?

After two hours of detective, first she got out of door. Immediately, she walked toward the car. Shortly thereafter, he got off but, he walked with a rolling gait. He threw something on the ground. He took a view over here and there. He thought, there was no one watched him. He looked a sight. Openly, they went. Frequently, they were coming and did their act. What will he do if his son and his wife suddenly back and caught him red-handed? It will be a scandal!

Anyway, there is a sin since life has begun. And, maybe she rises between a poor family, and it's the only way to make ends meet. But, whatever the reason, her appearance has given no evidence on her real situation. No one can know her act except her customers. On the other hand, saying that contrary to the prevailing notion, we can find a funny naughty girl who does not wear many clothes or a veil but she is a very good girl. It is a puzzling issue.

For the last time, the old man came with a young girl. After one hour, she got off hurriedly. She was in mess and bare hair. She ran far from his car. Wonder, did they fight together? Two hours later, I heard a big noise. I looked out the window. Impossible, it is a truck police and ambulance. They have found the old man completely naked and lie down on the bed but, with his last breath. Fearfully, the girl forgot her under wear beside the bed. Scandal! Scandal! In the morgue, they carried out an autopsy. They have found remains of a blue drug in his blood. The old man took two pills before his death. He had lived in a fool's paradise.

Written by

Mohamed Abd El_Wahab

Cairo Egypt mhmdwahab@hotmail.com

هناك 11 تعليقًا:

  1. (ووَمَا تَدْرِي نَفْسٌ بِأَيِّ أَرْضٍ تَمُوتُ)
    اللهم استرنا فوق الارض وتحت الارض
    ويوم العرض عليك .اللهم آميـــن.

  2. عفواً ولكن
    ليه الكتابة

  3. هى ظروف كتابة القصة كانت لابد ان تكتب بالانجليزية حيث كنت ادرس برنماج الترجمة يعنى ظروف دراسية وليس المقصود التحيز للغة معينة

  4. افتكرت

    "اعمل لدنياك كأنك تعيش أبدًا،
    واعمل لآخرتك كأنك تموت غدًا"


    موضوعاتك مميزة

  5. المدونين بيشجعوا.... واحنا معاهم
    حلوة قوى المقولة دى:)
    مبرووووووك وميرسى على مباركتك الرقيقة.
    على فكرة ماذا حدث لمدونتك؟ لا أجد العلم واليمان والاخرين ووجدت بوست السكاندال،
    I am really confused

  6. الصديقة الغالية نوسة
    اوعى لا تحتارى ولا تقلقى
    الموضوع و ما فية انى بختار الموضوع المناسب فى التوقيت المناسب و اجبر الزائر على الدخول علية و كان من الصعب على ان اصدمك مرتين بالبوست بتاع الاهداف الاربعة ولذلك اغلقتة و فتحت مدونة فضيحة ولعلمى انك سوف تاتى و تعلقى و ضعت هذة الصورة الخاصة بتهنئة المنتخب المصرى اى هذة الصورة على راى صلاح منصور فى فيلم الزوجة الثانية خصوصى ماشى خصوصى علشانك بالضبط لما انسان يرجع البيت سعيد ومعاة ورد و ترد علية الزوجة بابتسامة و كلمة حلوة
    انا هنا الزوجة ههههههههه

  7. طيب شكرا على هذا الاستدراج والان ما هذا البوست أهو حقيقة ام من نسج الخيال: لو حقيقة تبقى مؤلمة قوى ومقززة، وبالمناسب حكاية ان الفتاة محجبة دى لا تجعلك تندهش لان الحجاب فى مصر الان زى شعبى وليس دينى فمن الطبيعى ان تجد كل شىء وللاسف لا يعكس اى التزام اخلاقى

  8. شوفى يا ستى
    القصة جزء منها كبير حقيقى
    ولكن جزء منها ايضا من خيالى على سبيل المثال ما حدث بينهم بالداخل لا يعقل ان اسمع او اشاهدة والا استغفر الله العظيم راح اكون بقرنين مثل حمدى احمد و سعاد حسنى فى فيلم القاهرة 30
    ايضا النهاية من خيالى ومن نسيج الذاكرة فمن حوالى عشرين سنة حدثت نفس القصة مع فنان معروف جدا تم العثور علية جثة عارية فى منزل مشبوة
    و طبعا اتفق معاكى ان عمل الفتاة لا يعكس كل سلوك المجتمع هى فئة فقط تاخذ من الدين ستارعلى فكرة انا اتخدت مهاة موقف و توقف عن ذلك فترة ولكنة رجع لفعلتة مرة اخرى صحيح ذيل الكلب عمرة ما ينعدل

  9. السلام عليكم مررت لأعلمك أني قرأتها من فترة وعدت لأتابع وأراجع وضعها يا أستاذ محمد

  10. رمضان كريم

    وكل عام وانتم بخير

  11. استاذة اقصوصه
    الله اكرم
    و كل عام وانتم و كل العالم بالف مليون خير و سلام
